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Important Information for Existing and Past Members!

If you have ever been a member, we need you to please login and renew your membership, even if it's been a few years...This will save the volunteer board from huge headaches trying to reconcile multiple records for you.  

Just log in and click "renew" next to your name (click "member login" on the upper right-hand side of any page below the banner).  If you don't know your login details...

1) If you've never logged in, search your email for "welcome new member" (in quotes just like that!) for your login and temporary password.

2) If you've logged in before and you can't remember your login details, click "member login" on the upper right-hand side of any page below the banner and click  "forgot my password".  You'll be directed to enter your email address and first name, after which you will soon get an email with a user name and a new password.

3) If you don't know what email you are registered under or if this is just too confusing, please email the membership director ( and ask him to reset your password.

If you have never been a member, please proceed to join us!